Rome May, 10th 2024

Career Day

QFin@Work2024 | Career Day  

Several companies are meeting Finance&Banking students and graduates at the QFin@Work2024. Current and former students taking part in the initiative will have the opportunity not only to attend the workshop, but also to meet with recruiters and professionals from these companies. Participants can learn more about their job vacancies and can be interviewed during the Workshop day.

How to participate

If you want to participate to the Career Day:

1) Register for QFin@Work2024

2) Send your CV to by 19 April 2024 indicating in the subject of the email QFin@Work2024|Career Day.

List of participants companies 

BNP Paribas 



Poste Italiane 

BancoPosta Fondi Sgr

Intesa Sanpaolo