Michele Tumminello & Fabio Farabullini
Università degli Studi di Palermo & Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni
Fraud detection through a network analysis of the Anti-Fraud database
Michele Tumminello
Michele Tumminello is an associate professor of mathematical finance at the University of Palermo, Italy. Previously, he held post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Palermo, at the CNR, and at Carnegie Mellon University. He has participated in several research projects, and he is currently coordinating two research projects on anti-fraud detection and marketing strategies in the Insurance sector, one funded by the IVASS (Italy) and one by Mapfre Foundation (Spain). He has co-authored nuomerous articles for international academic journals, including PNAS, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Quantitative Finance, and Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. His research interests include network theory, multivariate analysis, bioinformatics, financial markets, and complex systems. He holds a Ph.D in applied physics.
Fabio Farabullini
Fabio Farabullini worked in the Research Department of Bank of Italy between 1989 and 2011, dealing with monetary and banking statistics and banking activity analysis. Between 2008 and 2009 he was at the ECB, DG Statistics as NCB expert. Since April 2013 he has seconded to the Italian Authority for Insurance Supervision (IVASS) where he coordinates the working group on the anti-fraud integrated archive (AIA); since October 2015 he is in charge of Collection and Management Information Division. He participated in international working groups on banking and monetary statistics; currently he is member of OECD Task Force on Insurance Statistics. He published several articles on banking activity.
Fraud detection through a network analysis of the Anti-Fraud database