Rome, May 3-4, 2018


Stefano Iacus
University of Milan

Stefano M. Iacus, is Professor of Statistics at the University of Milan, Italy; Director of the Data Science Laboratory and Head of the Master program in Economics & Finance of the same University. Founder and President of the university spin-off Voices from the Blogs Ltd, member of the R Core Development Team from 1999 to 2014. His interest include computational statistics, causal inference, mathematical finance and sentiment analysis. Author of a few monographs, several scientific papers and a variety of packages fro the R language. He is also associate editor of some international statistical journals. Current research projects include the development of the Social-Well-Being Index (SWBI) for the measurement of aggregated subjective well being perception using social media data and migration of opinions and people using geo-referenced social media data. He is also developing new algorithms for real time and statistical efficient opinion mining.