In brief

The annual QFin@Work workshop is hosted by the Master of Science in Finance & Banking of Tor Vergata University of Rome.
Our goal is to bridge the gap between students’ education and their future job market. Each year leading practitioners, as well as international academics, are invited to give speeches with the aim of connecting academic theory to the day-to-day use of quantitative methods in finance, insurance, and banking fields.
Students benefit from listening to these talks and participating in a useful debate that leads to a greater understanding of the different experiences in finance and to a more comprehensive view of the practical elements related to their future profession.

Scientific Committee

Rocco Ciciretti
Katia Colaneri
Jodi Dianetti
Annalisa Fabretti
Stefano Herzel
Paolo Pigato
Davide Pirino
Alessandro Ramponi
Sergio Scarlatti

Organizing Committee

Lea Cicellyn Comneno
Marcello Di Biagio
Stefania Di Natale
Antonella Gibellino
Emanuele Loffa
Sergio Vicanò

Sponsor of past editions

Past Editions
